Thursday, August 18, 2016

US untenable

Published by
prof. Martin van Creveld

18 August 2016

US Position is Untenable

By: Karsten Riise

The US Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has newly released a projection of Federal debt 2016-2046.

The CBO analysis shows that Federal debt is on path to increase from 75% of GDP to 146% of GDP in 2046. These figures exclude state & local government debt of approimately 16% of GDP (source: Fed.Reserve Z1,D1 and, meaning that the total public debt in the USA is on track to increase from 90%+ to 160%+ of GDP.

A public debt of 100%-200% of GDP is possible in Japan and Italy, where nearly all public debt is owned nationally—in Japan, by (often state-promoted) enormous private entities. However, for the USA, such high public debt figures are bound to lead to a fundamental crisis of non-confidence in the US dollar.

Falling dollar rates and rising interest rates will incur still higher deficits to pay the interests on the public debt.

A vicious circle threatens the US economy. When and how it may start, we don’t know.

The biggest driver of the US Federal debt is the aging of the US population. Today 15% of Americans are aged 65+. This percentage will increase by two thirds, so that by 2060 about 24% of the US population will be 65+. Until now, the USA has benefited from a young population. The strain on medicare and social spending of an aging population, even with the still limited entitlements in the USA, will be enormous.

The CBO has calculated, that just to keep the Federal debt at its present level, the balance between tax revenues and federal expenditures must be improved by 1.7% of GDP—every year the next 30 years. In other words, tax revenue must increase and government expenditures must be curtailed.
The US economy is becoming less and less competitive. One reason for this is because the USA has some of the worst 3rd world-like public infrastructure in the western world. Roads, bridges and railways in the USA are a sham. High-speed trains are non-existent. Not only is China building far more kilometers of inter-state high-ways than the US, but it is also one of the world’s leading countries in the field of high-speed trains; in fact, China may become the main-supplier of America’s first high-speed railway line.

Furthermore, American public schools, hampered as they are by violence and other problems. are not exactly the best in the world, The US level of education is going down, as pointed out by the economic guru Michael Porter, who also points out, that the level of bureaucracy and red-tape hindrances to business are enormous in the USA. The middle class is disappearing in the USA, with now barely 50% of the population perceiving themselves as middle class. Median incomes have barely improved or even gone down the past 40 years, significantly reducing the middle-section of the tax base, which is normally the most reliable. The American Dream is a night-mare for most Americans. The Laffer-curve, stating that heavy tax-burdens on the rich will incur less total tax-revenues, still applies for the top-section of the US tax base. Any attempts to heavily taxate (fiscate) the upper 10% (or 0.1% !) of the US tax base will lead to US dollar capital-flight, and acute economic crisis.

Ueber-rich people in the US will prefer to dump their American passports and go with their money to the Bahamas, Belize, the UK, Australia, Singapore, UAE, or even South Africa, or Brazil, if doing so is what it takes to protect their enormous fortunes from high taxes.

Poor Americans lack education and training to make them competitive in the global labor-market. America’s left erroneously blames the high percentage of unemployed poor on free trade, but the real problem is the lack of education which prevents the under-class from obtaining productive jobs. Poor Americans are too expensive compared to Asians, and too badly educated and trained, and the infrastructure around them too lousy, to make them able to earn a higher pay. The risk of starvation amongst the poorest in the USA remains high: In Obama’s presidency, one in seven Americans (14%) face the risk of not having enough to eat.

At the same time, the US military inventory is aging, and declining. The number of US ships and combat aircraft is declining, their average service-age goes up and their operativeness goes down. New US military hardware often take the form of useless “white elephants”, meaningless prestige-products like the 20-30 billion dollar Zumwalt class destroyer. The US addiction to over-investments in such relatively useless symbols of “strength” as the Zumwalt, in spite of economic problems and American city-disintegration, violence and poverty, is in the USA a sure sign of decay and decline – just like Rome in its latter days. The US Government Accountability Office (GAO report 15-364 ) has demonstrated, that the US military, in spite of spending 4% of US GDP (source: – extra spending is hidden in separate budgets), has no overview of its own economic needs, and the economy of the mega-expensive F-35 aircraft, according to GAO, has a big chance of not being economically sustainable over time, even for the USA.

The US military is simply on its way to run smack into a wall of economic impossibility.

In absolute strength levels, the American military is standing still or going backwards.
The US military now delays military purchases in order to keep overall military expenditures flat the next 5 years.

If military budgets are not increased, the aging of the US military will be tough in the 2020’ies. In light of the overall budget problems of the USA from now on until 2045 (as mentioned above), it must be expected that the US military will be economically forced to cut down on absolute strength levels the next 10 years.

At the same time, absolute strength levels of militaries in Russia and China is going up.

The qualitative lead in high-precision weapons, cruise missiles, and high-quality combat aircraft has come to Russia and China too. Though the USA still has a number of unique capabilities, especially its carrier fleet, advanced submarines, other ships, and “stealth” aircraft, Russia and China are specifically building up (and exporting!) cheaper weapons to off-set US advantages.

Military lobbyists in the USA dream of a new US “revolution in military technology” to regain American tech-lead in weapons, but so far such US “wunder-weapons” as rail-guns, laser-cannons etc. have shown to be elusive and too costly, even for the USA.

On the political front, the UK exit from the EU is a devastating blow to the US system of alliances.

The US economy is unsustainable – and the US military is going down in absolute as well as in relative strength.

Costly wars like Libya have been counter-productive. Afghanistan is becoming a failure. China is getting the upper-hand in the Straight of Taiwan, and Russia surprises (though still under-estimated in the west).

Without the tools-of-power or greater wisdom, Mrs. Hillary Clinton wants to increase the force-confrontation against Russia, China, and others.

A new world order is already developing. Mr. Donald Trump seems to have realized the new situation of the US. Mrs. Hillary Clinton has not – which makes her dangerous in world affairs.

Karsten Riise
Partner & Editor


Thursday, July 28, 2016

Still better?

Would Hillary Clinton have been a better president? Such counterfactual questions are basically impossible to answer. Trump has faced a steep learning curve. But one year into the Trump-presidency, it still does not seem like Hillary would have been a better (or safer!) choice.

28 July 2016

Trump - better for the world

By: Karsten Riise

It has become politically correct and nearly fashionable to be "against" Donald Trump.

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton favored Victoria Nuland, who is a protagonist in USAs bid for power in Ukraine and in the West's confrontation against Russia. Also as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was an originator of USAs military "pivot to Asia" - a strategy to militarily surround and pressure China. Hillary Clinton also was in favor of USAs and EU's catastrophic war against Libya, which turned at stable functioning and wealthy Libyan state into a failed state of chaos and fostered terrorism all over North Africa. For two decades, USA has only been conducting catastrophic wars. Yet, since her time as first-lady to President Bill Clinton in the 1990'ies, there has not been any US war which Hillary Clinton did not support. Therefore, Hillary Clinton could easily become a very dangerous US President to the world.

Donald Trump's stand on foreign policy is very clear: How Europeans relate to Russia is mainly their own business, and how Asians relate to China is their own business as well. If Europeans and Asians want a military build-up against Russia and China respectively, Donald Trump clearly states that the USA should not invest in that, but let the other countries be free to decide themselves and pay if they want so. USA's acquaintances in Europe and Asia are rich and most of them advanced, their relations with Russia and China concern first and foremost themselves, and they should  decide their own course of action and pay the price if there is one. In Donald Trumps's international policy moral hazard (admitting other countries to let the USA carry their risks) and unnecessary confrontation is diminished. These are sound principles.

For the world, Donald Trump evidently seems to be the better choice.

Karsten Riise
Partner & Editor


Monday, February 15, 2016


15 February 2016

USA oil-crisis may revert

By: Karsten Riise

By opening new oilfield, the USA has 'kicked the can down the road' when it comes to satisfying its oil-thirst. But the USA may have to ”come back” to the Middle East within just a decade - for more oil.

The oil-figures (2014):

USA proven reserves

48.5 billion barrels

USA = 2.9% of world reserves ~ Libya

USA production 2014:
11,644 thousand barrels/day = 12.3% of world production

=> 4.25 billion barrels/year

USA  can theoretically continue only 11 years more

Proven reserves are sometimes adjusted up, but not by nearly 4 billion barrels every year.

In practice, theoretical reserves cannot be recovered fully – USA runs 200 km/ht against the wall.

What happens as you deplete resources?

Costs will go up exponentially !

Geostrategically, the USA will HAVE to ”come back” to the Middle East for more oil.

Karsten Riise
Partner & Editor